Monday, June 26, 2006

Breaking News: GH to rise to the occasion

Turn off that damn Herb Alpert music!
Holy Shnikes! The SILVER wedding anniversary of Luke and Laura Spencer is but months away. (Gawd I feel soooo old!) In honor of the occasion General Hospital is going to awaken Laura from her catatonic state in time to smoosh a piece of cake in her beloved Luke's face. (So what if they're divorced. We know their love will never die.)
Who woulda thunk this timeless union began with a dancefloor rape? (To Herb Alpert's sleazy disco tune Rise, nonetheless!)
This will be like a class reunion of sorts. Names I expect to see on the guest list: Robert Scorpio (brought back from the dead); Scotty Baldwin (if he behaves and doesn't lunge for the bouquet again); Bobbie Spencer with that handsome Dr. Noah Drake on her arm; Drs. Alan and Monica Quartermaine (reunited, and it feels soooo good); Laura's parents, Rick (also not dead, turns out Laura didn't kill him and he woke up one day and found Bobby Ewing in his shower) and Lesley; those wacky Templeton sisters (Northern Exposure alum Janine Turner and real-life Mrs. Robinson Demi Moore) and what the heck, why not let Liz Taylor push her latest perfume "The Ice Princess."
So get there early my peeps. I hear Richard Simmons will be running a pre-celebration aerobics class in the Campus Disco.


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