Friday, June 16, 2006

Desperate Meerkats

Yo, you talkin' to me?
So just when I think I'm weaned off reality TV and destressed from 24 for the summer, I surf across Meerkat Manor tonight. Aw, such cute and intelligent animals. This should be light summer fare.
This clan is D-Y-S-F-U-N-C-T-I-O-N-A-L, Akeelah!
Flower shows her power by reigning over the burrow. She's got three sluts for daughters who have a taste for that Meerkat Mambo King, Carlos and are filling up the burrow with their out-of-wedlock babies. Flower's other children let her newborn babies play in traffic (translation: under watchful eyes of birds with beaks the size of a Prius).
Then in a story line ripped from Shakespeare (who also has a bit part, dragging his sorry self home after a bad rap from Sean "Puffy Adder") we learn Flower's adoring mate Zaphod is her jilted lover's brother. {CUE: Scary wobbly chord on a pipe organ.}
And no, his name is not Earl. It's Youssarian. He's a bit Catch 22, but is more wigged-out Col. Walter Kurtz from Apocalypse Now.
In tonight's episode, he played "let's drag out the O-O-W grandchildren and see if they melt in the midday sun." Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est? Then he threw his head back and chortled, "I love the smell of millipedes in the morning. They smell like victory. Bwoo-hahh-haaahhh!"


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