Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ann Coulter — Attention monkey

There once was a pundit name Ann,
Who everyone figured for a man,
At 9/11 widow's she did scoff,
To feed at the bestsellers trough,
What's she, auditioning for the Klan?

There once was an Ann-man so mean,
like the bitchiest of bitchiest drag queen,
Her personal attacks were so scurrilous,
And her sense of authority so ridiculous,
'Cause man, she ain't no human bean.

There once was an Attention Monkey,
Who thought her ravings were spunky,
But this horse's ass,
Was just full of gas,
So that's why she's so funky.


Blogger gefilte said...

The Truth is out there:
Strap-on Veterans for Truth

10:58 PM  
Blogger Pepper monkey said...

Oy gefilte, a must read fer sure! And don't worry, as the site says "No right-wing nutjobs were harmed during production."
Thanks for the link. While I'm here, would you like some extra pepper on your salad?

8:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is this you, Doug Markel? Couldn't find your email on the blog and don't blame you - too much SPAM. There is another pepper monkey blog you can find with a Google search.

This is Lisa Finerty's email:

You can introduce yourselves to her and let her know if you are interested in attending Rome Dem events.

Next one is Sat, Sept 14 at 5 PM at Virginia Volterra's home near Via Veneto. I don't have the address.

There is no fee for joining or attending Rome Dem events, but everyone is bringing something for the buffet on 9/14.

Ciao, Mayta Munson

8:57 AM  

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