Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Rather's departure as unexpected as triplets

You have evidence Bush 43 was the sixth Beatle? Are you sure you can confirm this, Kenneth?
They've got a saying in Wink, Texas: if you want to get cool, drink hot coffee. Unfortunately Dan Rather thought they said "hot water." After Memogate, CBS was as friendly to him as an angry scorpion in the toe of a cowboy boot. They deep-sixed his contract faster than Paris Hilton loses a sex tape.
If there was someone to blame in all this, my guess it was Kenneth, whose frequency was as mysterious as Loch Nessie's whereabouts. Perhaps he held the authentic memos about President Bush's so-called military "career" that would have rocketed Rather's career higher than the Grateful Dead in Jamaica on spring break.
Instead the colonoscopy-pushing Cutie Couric is in like Flynn and 'Nam-tested Journalist Rather is out like gout.
He's a man who was born on Halloween, attended an elementary school called Love, covered history-making stories such as Vietnam, Kennedy's assassination, Iran Contra and even broke the Abu Ghraib prison abuse story. Such a storied career and he's brushed away like coke dust under Kate Moss's nose.
Courage. NO... curaje mi amigo.


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