Monday, June 19, 2006

Connie Chung: Dull as melba toast

Maury Povich is less dull than me? Go on!


That's what Connie Chung uttered as she rolled off a grand piano in the midst of her news talk show's swan song. Dressed in a gown borrowed from Ariel the Little Mermaid and singing in a key that made doves cry in Minnesota, Chung waxed clumsily about hubby Maury Povich's punditry skills. Here's a sample:
"Thanks for the memories
The thing I love the most
About hubby as co-host
Is all those other anchors were as dull as melba toast
The sparks really flew
Thanks for the memories
Now that the show is through
I've got bigger things to do
But Maury is back weighing in:
Fat babies, how taboo!
He can't get enough..."

That last line, do ya think it's a jab at Creepy Hubby Maury who it seems can't get enough (at least according to a $100M sexual harassment lawsuit he's been slapped with from an employee)?
Chung plopped onto the floor at the end of her torch song, in faux Shakespearean dramatic flair, extinguishing any shred of credibility she had left. She's no Madonna; she's no Marilyn Monroe. At least she'll keep the YouTube crowd content for awhile. Connie's performance reminds me of that Monty Python joke, "What's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung!"
Chung dung, indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! It's true! That was the most amazing thing I have seen on TV in a while. Well, at least since Britney's Spears interview last week. For her sake, I hope what she has been saying about it being a hoax is true. Please, let it be true!

Beauty Secrets 101

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