Saturday, June 03, 2006

Target: Icons

Nothing says Oh, Canada more than Tim Hortons doughnuts. That's why an April 2 news story that was practically buried in the U.S. media had a different effect north of the border. On that date, a man went into the rest room of a Toronto Tim Hortons and set himself and most of the room on fire. Canadian authorities said immediately that it was not terror.
However, there are a couple key points to the story. First of all, the doughnut shop was next to the entrance to Toronto's biggest subway station and near the intersection of two of its busiest streets, Yonge and Bloor. Second, according to investigators there was evidence the explosive was not gasoline, as the public was told, but TATP — the same explosive used in last summer's London terror bombings.
So today we hear that Canada has nabbed a rogues gallery of 17 "al-Qaida wannabes" who had plans in place to attack several Canadian targets with amassed amonium nitrate (three times the amount used in the Oklahomas City blast).
Is there a tie between the two? Who knows. The Toronto Star did report that the investigation that led to the nabbing of these suspects began by monitoring their Internet activities where they were inspired to avenge oppression of Muslims. According to the Star:
"They travelled north to a "training camp" and made propaganda videos imitating jihadists who had battled in Afghanistan. At night, they washed up at a Tim Hortons nearby."
OK, so now I'm totally creeped out. Geez, it's pretty sad when you're afraid to have coffee and a doughnut in public.


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