Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Funfight at the OK Carell

Have Proust scholar, will travel.
As a latecomer to The Office, I must admit now that I have become obsessed with the work of Steve Carell. Maybe it's the pesky flashbacks to bosses from my past jobs that are triggered by watching the show each week. Haven't we all worked for a Michael Scott somewhere in our less than illustrious careers?
Last weekend I saw Carell's latest movie, Little Miss Sunshine. At one point I was laughing so hard my eyeballs were bouncing up and down and I couldn't see the movie. (Damn, that means I'll have to fork out another $8.25 to see what I missed.)
Anyway, this guy's the next comedic giant. According to, Carell's real name is Carello. So he's a paisan — cool! Plus, anyone who stars in a sitcom based in Scranton is OK in my book.


A crack-wacky summer

OBL is wack!
What was more bizarre about this summer:
A) Osama bin Laden's former sex slave Kola Boof (yeah, like that's a real name) divulging that he had a jones for Miss Whitney Houston. According to Ms. Boof (that's a hoot to say out loud, try it), bin Laden told her "that Whitney Houston was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen." He was so obsessed, he wanted to put a hit on Bobby Brown. (Am I right that this may be the first proof of an al-Qaida/Mafia link?)
B) Ms. Boof also claiming that OBL's favorite song was Rock Lobster by the B-52s. (BTW, Saddam Hussein's favorite song is Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You. He used it for his campaign song. What is it about those guys? Once you go wack, you never go back?)
C) The media actually taking John Mark (Mullet King) Karr's claim to have killed Jon Benet Ramsey serious. Despite his serial killer three-name weirdo profile, this guy was obviously pining for a spot in the Creepazoid Hall of Fame. Sorry, but Wacko Jacko bought all the available spots left.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Project Runway... Say what?

I didn't take the bitch's dye, that's fo' sho!
Jay McCarroll perfected the art of tart bon mots on Project Runway's first season. Season three is simply WendyPeppered with Jayiety.

Consider these quotes:
Robert: "She's a beauty queen not a disco ball."
Bradley: "I'm a squid with no ocean."
Vincent: "Kayne has the taste of a love-starved hyena."
Jeffrey: "Supercalifragilisticexpialicrazy!"
Laura: "There's some serious ugly in this room right now."

And this weeks' winner...
from Vincent to Laura: "Why don't you put some Harry Winstons up your nose!"
