Thursday, November 09, 2006

Top Chef 4th course: Not-so-amuse bouche

Call me, the meringue killer!!!!
The kitchen quippery of Chef Mike provided an assortment of not-so-amuse bouche soundbites. He was not happy about the Quickfire Challenge in which they had to creat an amuse bouche, a little mouthful to amuse the palate, using ingredients from a vending machine. His ingredients — crunchy Cheetos and a Snickers — inspired these outbursts:
"Screw this! Screw the Quickfire today! ... Now I have to do this Cracker Jack challenge!"

When guest judge Chef Suzanne Goin took at look at his ... uh ... Snickers turd with a Cheeto feather she snapped at him "I get this vibe... nobody kidnapped you..."
My fave Wolfman Marcel Quickfire du jour quote: "No oysters in the vending machine." Thank God!!! (Unless they sold them only in months ending in -er...)
The episode was called Rabbit Food and for this reason. Their Elimination Challenge was to create a meal of less than 500 calories (as pre-counted by team-assigned nutritionists) for kids at Camp Glucose. (I assume you won't find s'mores on the menu there!)
Bada-Bing Betty bloated her meringue cookies by using Splenda instead of sugar (although if you need a special effect, it makes authentic looking pools of cat vomit). So the next day, she used sugar instead. This of course led to a moral crisis during the judging because she was on the winning team. Sam "the hot diabetic" (as the girls at Camp Glucose dubbed him observantly) let the cat vomit out of the bag when he alluded to the fact that rules weren't being followed, that people were squirting extra olive oil on their dishes. Flava-flaving it up, so to speak.
The show ended with Tom Colicchio putting every chef in that "animal cookhouse" on double secret probation.



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