Monday, November 13, 2006

Desperate Designing Women

On Sunday's Desperate Housewives I was straining to figure out who the actress was playing Orson's (Mr. Bree's) mother. Was that a very gray Veronica Cartwright? Nooo. I wracked my brain. It wasn't until I was watching Naomi & Wynona Judd sing their duet today at the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial dedication that the answer was triggered in my pea-brain. Why of course, it was a very gray Dixie Carter. Ooh, no wonder why she was so good. On Designing Woman she played the Helen Gurley Brown version of a latter-day Bree. Trivia buffs will get a kick out of learning that Carter's personal assistant on DW was none other than Marc Cherry, creator and head writer of DH! What goes around...

Boy, DH has suddenly really picked up the pace. Last week's Shootout at the OK Grocery episode will be considered one of those where-were-you-when-X-happened episodes. This episode was one of those plot moveralongers.

I'm annoyed by a couple story lines. I can't warm up to Susan's new Michael Schiavo-esque squeeze. I want Susan and Mike to have, oh what the heck, three minutes of bliss for an episode. What surprises me is the lighter side of Orson, sometimes his tete a tetes with Bree are delightful. But then his creepy face comes on. Speaking of creepy, I knew that guy who hit Annie Oakley in the OK Grocery with a can of chickpeas had a Mark Foley side.

Stay tuned. Can't wait to see what dark secrets Miss Dixie wants to share.

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